– In the Text Fill settings you will find several color settings as in the image below.
1. Using No Fill: This command is used to remove color from WordArt areas
2. Using Solid Fill: This option is used to provide a solid color to the WordArt area in the following way.
- Click on the Fill Color button.
- Select the desired color from the submenu that appears
- Then also adjust the transparency by moving the Transparency slider or you can click the small triangle up or down
3. Using Gradient Fill: This option is used to provide gradient colors.
4. Preset gradients, contains a selection of color gradations provided by Microsoft Powerpoint that you can use immediately.
5. Type, is a choice of color combinations, namely:
- Linear, is a line-style color gradation in a vertical or horizontal direction.
- Radial, is a circular color gradation with the center of the gradation being in the middle, corner, or top and bottom right sides.
- Rectangular, is a color gradation that forms one corner of the square
- Path, is a color gradation in the shape of a square with the center of the gradation in the middle.
- Shade from title, is a color gradation that forms a square where the further down the slide area the color fades.
6. Direction, used to determine the direction of the color gradation that will be applied.
7. Angle, used to determine the angle value that is used as a reference in applying color gradations.
8. Gradient Stops, used to increase or decrease the number of colors to be used.
- Stop, Select this slider to determine the position of the color used
- Add Gradient Stop, to add a slider
- Remove Gradients Stop, to remove the slider
9. Color, sets the color installed on the color slider.
10. Position, sets the percentage value of the color slider position. If the color slider is moved, the Position value will also change and vice versa.
11. Transparency, adjusts the density or transparency of the color on the slider.
12. Brightness, set the color brightness value on the slider.
Read also Shape Format in WordArt
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