How to Format Text and Paragraphs

How to Format Text and Paragraphs – Here it is explained how to format text and paragraphs so that the results of the presentation slide design are more beautiful, organized and also informative. For this reason, pay close attention to all the explanations regarding text and paragraph formatting below.

How to Format Text and Paragraphs

How to Change Text Type / Font

To change the text type or font, you can do it as follows:

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1. Select the text or text frame whose text type you want to change

2. Select the HOME tab then click the Font drop-down button

Font drop-down button

3. Select the desired font type in the submenu that appears, for example Arial Black.

Select the desired font type

Note: Apart from the method above, you can also type the name of the font directly, so the name will automatically be filtered according to the name you type.

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How to Change Text Size

To change the text size, you can do the following:

1. Select the text or text frame whose text size you want to change

2. Select the HOME tab and click the Font Size drop-down button.

Font Size drop-down button

3. Select the desired size or you can type the desired size directly. You can click the Increase Font Size button to enlarge the text or Decrease Font Size to reduce the font.

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How Change Text Style

The text style in question is to provide bold, italics and underline formatting. Here’s how to change the text style in Microsoft PowerPoint.

a. Bold (Ctrl+B), to give a bold style

Bold (Ctrl+B), to give a bold style

b. Italic ( Ctrl+I ), to provide an italic style

Italic ( Ctrl+I ), to provide an italic style

c. Underline ( Ctrl+U ), to provide an underline style

Underline ( Ctrl+U ), to provide an underline style

d. Text Shadow, to provide a text shadow effect.

Text Shadow, to provide a text shadow effect.

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How to Changing Colors and Writing Text

Automatically the text you type on the Powerpoint slide will be black, unless you have applied a Theme or Template with text color formatting used other than black.

To change the text color, follow the steps below:

1. Select the text or text frame whose color you want to change.

2. Select the Home tab then in the Font group click Font Color drop-down button to display a list of color options.

Font Color drop-down button

3. Select a color that is in Theme Color or Standard Colors

4. If you want to use another color, click on the More colors… option as shown in the image below.

More colors option
Standard colors option
Custom colors option

5. You can choose the Standard or Custom tab, if you have got the color you want, click OK.

6. The color you just added will be in Recent Colors

7. Apart from that, you can also use the Eyedropper to take color schemes from other objects (images, shapes and other objects) by pointing the Eyedropper then clicking on the object whose color you want to take.

Eyedropper colors option

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How to Delete Text Writing

When you have already typed text in lower case, and you want to change it to capital letters or vice versa, you don’t need to delete it and rewrite it. In Microsoft

Powerpoint has provided a facility called Change Case which functions to change the text writing.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Select the text to be changed

2. Select the HOME tab then click the Change Case button in the Font group

 Change Case button in the Font group

3. The command above will bring up a submenu with the following options:

  • Sentence Case (to change the first letter to capital in a sentence).
  • Lowercase (to change the letters in the text to all lowercase).
  • UPPERCASE (to change the letters in the text to all capital letters).
  • Capitalize Each Word (to change the capital letters of each word in the text).
  • tOGGLE case (to change the letter at the beginning of each word to lower case and the subsequent letters to capital letters).

Read also How to Move the Position of a Text Frame

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How to Remove Text Formatting

Deleting the text format does not mean deleting the text, but only deleting the text format. This is necessary when you want to change the format of text that was previously formatted.

To do this, follow these steps to delete text formatting:

1. Select the text or text frame whose formatting you want to remove

2. Click the HOME tab, then click the Clear All Formatting button in the Fonts group

Clear Text Formatting

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Read also Other Basic Working with Text

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