About Power Point that is important to understand

About Power Point

slidesto.com – Microsoft Power Point is presentation processing computer software for documents or works in slide form.

This software is a product of Microsoft Corporation along with other Office packages. Power Point is done on slide pages, unlike Word which is a page and Excel which is a spreadsheet. This PowerPoint slide show is available with various template designs in it which are useful for displaying data or documents.

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There are other opinions regarding Microsoft Power Point being part of Microsoft Office. The main function of Microsoft Power Point is a presentation tool. This function is very useful in the fields of education, economics, business and many more. Apart from being used for presentations, the function of Microsoft Power Point plays an important role in protecting the environment.

Paper production is minimal because many presentations only rely on soft files. Power Point is also known to make it very easy for users to influence the audience during presentations. If you already know the functions of Microsoft Power Point, understand how to make presentations using Power Point. There are many reliable features in Power Point that can shorten the time for making presentations.

Microsoft Power Point is the most widely used presentation application in Indonesia. The features of this application created by Microsoft are quite complete. Microsoft Power Point is a package with Microsoft Office. It is also quite easy to use without having to activate the internet.

The advantage that you can get from Microsoft Power Point is that this Power Point application has a user friendly interface and is easy for beginners to use. Each version of Power Point has additional, more complete features.

In general, to create presentation materials using Ms. Power Point doesn’t take long. This can happen because Power Point has various features that can help us operate the application. There are 10 Power Point features that can create interesting PPTs that are useful for us.

Power Point is software used to design presentation materials in the form of slides. With this application, it will be easier for someone to create simple, attractive and even professional presentations which can be used as learning material in class and in public.

Understanding Power Point

PowerPoint is a presentation program used to display information, generally in the form of a slideshow. Presentation programs can be used in various fields, including education. In the educational sector, PowerPoint can be used to assist in the learning process.

PowerPoint is very helpful in the learning process, including in the following ways:

  • Explaining something abstract so that it seems more real.
  • Make learning more interesting and more memorable so that students remember it longer.
  • Create interactive learning by utilizing animation, video and audio.
  • Can help clarify concepts.

In Learning Activity 1, the PowerPoint used is PowerPoint 2016.

Power Point Functions

Power Point Functions

Every application program created is of course created with a clear purpose, and Power Point is no different. This Power Point application has several functions that can be useful for us. Here are the functions:

  • Power point can make things easier for users.
  • PowerPoint can make it easier for users to organize the material to be presented.
  • Power point can make the audience better understand the presentation material being displayed. This can happen because the user displays the main points in the displayed slide.
  • For presentation media, users can easily convey communication using slide media by creating writing or material in the form of text, images, animation or video.
  • Effective in various information and communications to several users, in the sense that Power Point creates presentation files in softcopy form for access by many computer users.
  • Arranging discussion material for the audience is easier by displaying material slides and supporting elements in the form of images, videos and animated material which will make understanding the discussion material easier.
  • Supporting the implementation of business presentations, in this case the program will make it easier for companies or businesses to use communication media in the form of promotions, introductions and sales to clients.
  • Supporting educational and learning activities for students and educators using presentation software to create teaching and learning materials and facilities easily and in an organized manner.
  • Power points can make the presentation of material more impressive and interesting. To make presentation materials more impressive and interesting, use animations or features found in Power Point.

However, it is highly recommended for users to use animation in a way that is not excessive, so that the presentation continues to run well and the audience’s focus remains on the material, not on the animation provided.

Advantages of Power Point

The following are some of the advantages of Power Point:

  1. Make it easier for users to create presentation slides

One of the advantages that has the most impact on users is that with Power Point, it becomes easier for users to create presentation slides. With this application, users can prepare simple, attractive and even professional presentations in a short period of time.

  1. Has various kinds of tools

Another thing you get from using Power Point is that there are various tools that can make presentation slides more interesting. The features found in Power Point can help us insert sound features, imported videos, photos and so on.

  1. Has Collaboration Features

Such a busy routine often makes it difficult for someone to complete something at the right time and under the right conditions. Therefore, it is not uncommon for someone to continue their work using different media (computer/laptop). We can use the collaboration features in Power Point to edit presentation material simultaneously from different computers. That way our work will be much faster and easier.

  1. Varied Power Point Templates

Another thing we get from using Power Point is that we can choose the template design we want. In this case, the Power Point template is useful for making the presentation look more attractive with a varied background. This feature is one of 10 Power Point features that can make PPT attractive.

  1. Can be imported into PDF format

Apart from that, Power Point has a feature that can be used to export files into PDF format. This feature can make it easier for us if we want to print presentation material files.

  1. Has very advanced authoring features

Another advantage you get from using Power Point is that it has a very advanced Authoring feature. This feature is a solution that we can use to protect the documents we have from irresponsible parties, that is what is meant by the Authorization feature. In this case the user can mark or provide a password to encrypt the file that has been created.

  1. Has a Cloud Service Feature

The Cloud Service feature is used as the default for storing files in local storage.

Power Point Features and Functions

Microsoft Office Powerpoint is the most widely used presentation processing software for Indonesians. All of this is because of the program’s easy features and facilities for processing material in various fields.

File menu

The file menu in Power Point has a variety of main features.

  • Open, has a function to open the currently saved PowerPoint document file. The format that can be opened is PPT as a native PowerPoint file.
  • New, this feature has the function to create a new worksheet by opening a blank worksheet template in Power Point.
  • Recent, functions to open files remaining from previous work that the user has opened. With the Recent feature, users don’t have to bother looking for files in documents, because files they have worked on before are available in this recent list.
  • Save & Save As, has a function to save document files that have been completed. There are differences between the two. Save is used to save old files that have been previously saved on the computer. Meanwhile, Save As functions to save new or currently working document files.
  • Print, functions to print document files and display the files on an output device (screen) or physical files in the form of text or images.

Home Menu

This is a menu bar that contains several commands or text settings and the display of a Powerpoint document worksheet. This home menu feature contains various commands and settings including the following:

  • Clipboard, a feature for copying and pasting objects that have been copied from files outside the Powerpoint program.
  • Slides, this feature will display the slide page and PowerPoint slide settings.
  • Font, the font feature functions to set fonts in a choice of font type, size, characters and other font settings.
  • Paragraph, functions to organize paragraphs on the worksheet. Paragraph will provide settings for equipment, text alignment paragraph columns and sections related to the paragraph.
  • Drawing, used to add shapes with lines or shape designs to the slide page.

Insert Menu

Insert is a menu bar that functions to insert objects or media into a PowerPoint slide page. It also contains various features, namely:

  • Table, to add a table to the slide page.
  • Image, to insert an image from a document or computer device into a PowerPoint worksheet.
  • Illustrations, to illustrate illustrations.
  • Link, to connect page access in the form of a link or action.
  • Text, to add text in the form of variations.
  • Symbols, contain commands for creating formula equations, currency symbols, copyright and mathematics.
  • Media, for inserting media in the form of audio video and screen recording.

As the name of the feature suggests, the design menu will contain various settings regarding the slides page design.

  • Page set up, functions to set the page size and slide orientation in full screen or standard screen as well as custom size settings, portrait or landscape.
  • Themes, contains design themes that can be applied and adapted to the presentation slide background.
  • Background, namely the background format by changing the background according to user needs with various different themes. This feature provides background color and transparency facilities, apart from that users can change solid fills, gradients, image fills, pattern fills and graphics.

Slide show

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Interesting Power Point Features

The various Power Point features that we can use to make learning activities more interesting are:

  1. Slides

The slide size feature can help us choose the size that suits our goals. For example, if we want to create learning material for a presentation, the slide size is automatically set to 16.9. Meanwhile, if our goal is to create slides in Power Point for social media posts, then choose a 1:1 ratio or a custom slide size of 38.1 x 38.1 cm.

  1. Layout

After selecting the slide size, we will be met with another feature that can help us in creating learning materials, namely the layout feature. In Power Point, we can choose a layout design that suits the material to be presented. Apart from that, we can also create our own layout design, namely by choosing a blank layout. On this occasion, we can be creative ourselves with the layout design that will be used.

  1. Master Slides

We can use the slide master feature to adjust the colors and fonts used in the material to be delivered, which can be the same from the first slide to the last slide.

  1. Color Templates

The color template feature can make the learning material more harmonious and attractive. If we want to choose a color template that suits our wishes, select the design menu (click the small arrow in the variants menu) then select color. We can also make custom colors if we want to choose it ourselves.

  1. Distribute Row/Column

Apart from that, there is a distribute row/column feature which is used to tidy up existing tables. On this occasion, if the learning material we are going to convey is still not neat then we can use this feature.

  1. SmartArt

This feature will help us in creating graphics and charts. With this feature, our work will be much more effective because Power Point provides various diagrams and charts that we can use in learning. On this occasion we only have to choose diagrams and charts that are appropriate to the material to be taught.

  1. Theme

Apart from that, Powerpoint also provides theme features that we can use for free. If we feel bored and want to use a different theme, then we can use a premium theme or use a free theme from the web that provides PowerPoint themes.

  1. Insert

There are several occasions where in presenting material we will need photos or learning videos. We don’t need to worry, because Powerpoint already provides an insert feature, where the photos or learning videos that will be used can be inserted into the presentation material by moving the cursor to the ‘insert’ menu.

  1. Morph

This feature can help us change text, images and even 3D shapes into animation. However, this feature can be found in the Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 series and above. With this feature, the learning material that will be delivered can be more lively and interesting.

  1. Accessibility

By using this feature, we can be helped in finding errors in the presentation, so that it can be much easier for us to edit the material. Apart from mentioning errors in the document we created, this feature also provides reasons why we should correct the document. We can find this feature in the Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 series and above.

Read also: Other Basic Getting to Know Microsoft Powerpoint 2016

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